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Metalcontenitori srl manufactures pipes in carbon steel and stainless steel for the transport of fluids for complex systems.
Metal Storage tank for oil gas API650 for chemical plant,Pressure Vessels for water treatment plant oil gas plant, Cationic and Anionic column, Sand Gravity Gac Carbon filters,Filters Water treatment plant sand filters Purification plant piping, Steel Silos Production
Medium and large diameter pipes are also built according to the customer's design, also complete with support structures.
The pipes are built in accordance with European and international standards, such as:
Tubes for air filters
Pipes for water purification
Piping for oil and gas
Pipes for water purification - ENI CONGO
Tubes for acid
Pipes for water purification - ENI CONGO
Pipes for water purification
Piping for oil and gas
Tank bottom exchanger
Piping for oil and gas
Skid for oil and gas
Internal bed purifier tubes
Refinery skid tubes
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Gravity filter
Sand filters Sand Gravity Gac Carbon filters, Steel Silos Production,Metal Storage tank for oil gas API650 for chemical plant, Cationic and Anionic column,Filters Water treatment plant sand filters Purification plant piping,Pressure Vessels for water treatment plant oil gas plant
Steel silos,Carbon filters for purification plants,Vessels for water treatment plant,Water treatment plant sand filters,Storage tank for oil gas,Storage tank chemical,Steel pressure vessels,Metal Storage Tank,Vessels for oil gas plant,Filters for water purification plants,Storage tank for chemical plant,Silos production,Purification plant piping,Cationic column,Sand filters,Anionic column,Gac filters,Storage tank API650,Pressure vessels,Gravity filter